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Product Price
Blue Tabla Blue Tabla 550n
Violets Violets 500n
Narcissus Narcissus 550n
Blooming Almond Blooming Almond 600n
Red Rose Red Rose 450n
Orchids Orchids 200n
The Starry Night The Starry Night 600n
Pomegranates Pomegranates 350n
GEMS corrals GEMS corrals 950n
Product 1 Product 1 600n
Collie Collie 850n
Pink orchids Pink orchids 250n
Turquoise orchids Turquoise orchids 250n
Handmade Brooch Handmade Brooch 250n
Narcissus Narcissus 200n
pink orchids pink orchids 400n
Narcissus Narcissus 200n
Handmade Ring Handmade Ring 250n
Handmade Ring Handmade Ring 250n
Flowers Flowers 250n
Yellow Roses Yellow Roses 250n
Butterfly Butterfly 250n
Handmade Ring Handmade Ring 200n
Snow covered Temple Snow covered Temple 300n
Christas Angels Christas Angels 250n
Winter Winter 250n
Christmas Candles Christmas Candles 300n
Alaverdi Alaverdi 300n
“Upset Woman” & “Angel”. “Upset Woman” & “Angel”. 250n
King David the builder King David the builder 200n
King Erekle II King Erekle II 300n
King Tamar King Tamar 300n
Pirosmani Pirosmani 200n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Alaverdi" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Alaverdi" 200n
Ilia Ilia 0n
Open Book Open Book 200n
George Washington. The I st Presidents of the United States of America George Washington. The I st Presidents of the United States of America 300n
John Adams. The II nd President of the United States of America John Adams. The II nd President of the United States of America 300n
Thomas Jefferson. The III d President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson. The III d President of the United States of America 300n
James Madison. The IV th President of the United States of America James Madison. The IV th President of the United States of America 300n
James Monroe. The 5 th President of United States of America James Monroe. The 5 th President of United States of America 300n
John Quincy Adams. The VI th President of the United States of America. John Quincy Adams. The VI th President of the United States of America. 300n
Andrew Jackson. The 7  th President of the United States of America. Andrew Jackson. The 7 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Martin Van Buren. The VIII th President of the United States of America. Martin Van Buren. The VIII th President of the United States of America. 300n
William Henry Harrison. The 9 th President of the United States of America William Henry Harrison. The 9 th President of the United States of America 300n
John Tyler. The 10 th President of the United States of America John Tyler. The 10 th President of the United States of America 300n
James Knox Polk. The 11 th President of the United States of America. James Knox Polk. The 11 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Zachary Taylor. The 12 th President of the United States of America. Zachary Taylor. The 12 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Millard Fillmore. The 13 th President of the United States of America. Millard Fillmore. The 13 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Franklin Pierce. 14 th  President of the United States of America Franklin Pierce. 14 th President of the United States of America 300n
James Buchanan. 15 th President of the United States of America James Buchanan. 15 th President of the United States of America 300n
Abraham Lincoln. 16 th President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln. 16 th President of the United States of America 300n
Andrew Johnson. 17 th President of the United States of America Andrew Johnson. 17 th President of the United States of America 300n
Ulysses S. Grant. 18 th President of the United States of America Ulysses S. Grant. 18 th President of the United States of America 300n
Rutherford Birchard Hayes. 19 th President of the United States of America Rutherford Birchard Hayes. 19 th President of the United States of America 300n
James Abram Garfield. 20 th President of the United States of America James Abram Garfield. 20 th President of the United States of America 300n
Chester Alan Arthur. 21 st President of the United States of America. Chester Alan Arthur. 21 st President of the United States of America. 300n
Stephen Grover Cleveland. 22 d and 24 th President of the United States of America Stephen Grover Cleveland. 22 d and 24 th President of the United States of America 300n
Benjamin Harrison. 23 d President of the United States of America. Benjamin Harrison. 23 d President of the United States of America. 300n
William Mc Kinley. 25 th President of the United States of America William Mc Kinley. 25 th President of the United States of America 300n
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. 26 th President of the United States of America Theodore Roosevelt Jr. 26 th President of the United States of America 300n
William Howard Taft. 27 th President of the United States of America William Howard Taft. 27 th President of the United States of America 300n
Thomas Woodrow Wilson. 28 th President of the United States of America. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. 28 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Warren Gamaliel Harding. 29 th President of the United States of America Warren Gamaliel Harding. 29 th President of the United States of America 300n
Calvin Coolidge. 30 th President of the United States of America Calvin Coolidge. 30 th President of the United States of America 300n
Herbert Clark Hoover. 31 st President of the United States of America Herbert Clark Hoover. 31 st President of the United States of America 300n
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 32 nd President of the United States of America Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 32 nd President of the United States of America 300n
Harry S. Truman. 33 rd President of the United States of America Harry S. Truman. 33 rd President of the United States of America 300n
Dwight David Eisenhower. 34 th President of the United States of America Dwight David Eisenhower. 34 th President of the United States of America 300n
John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 35 th President of the United States of America. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 35 th President of the United States of America. 300n
Lyndon Baines Johnson. 36 th President of the United States of America Lyndon Baines Johnson. 36 th President of the United States of America 300n
Richard Milhous Nixon. 37 th President of the United States of America Richard Milhous Nixon. 37 th President of the United States of America 300n
Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. 38 th President of the United States of America Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. 38 th President of the United States of America 300n
James Earl Carter Jr. 39 th President of the United States of America James Earl Carter Jr. 39 th President of the United States of America 300n
Ronald Wilson Reagan Ronald Wilson Reagan 300n
George Herbert Walker Bush. 41 st President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush. 41 st President of the United States 300n
William Jefferson Clinton. 42 nd President of the United States William Jefferson Clinton. 42 nd President of the United States 300n
George Walker Bush, 43 rd President of the United States George Walker Bush, 43 rd President of the United States 300n
Barack Hussein Obama II. 44 th President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama II. 44 th President of the United States 300n
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 46 th President of the United States Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 46 th President of the United States 300n
Vaja Fshavela. Vaja Fshavela. 350n
Shota Rustaveli. Shota Rustaveli. 250n
Shota Rustaveli Shota Rustaveli 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. Niko Pirosmani. Girl with Baloon Author's Work of Art. Open Book. Niko Pirosmani. Girl with Baloon 250n
Author's Work of Art. open Book. Niko Pirosmani. "Fisherman" Author's Work of Art. open Book. Niko Pirosmani. "Fisherman" 150n
Authors work of Art. Open Book. "Telavi" Authors work of Art. Open Book. "Telavi" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Telavi" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Telavi" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Svetickhoveli" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Svetickhoveli" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Georgia" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Georgia" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. " Flag of Georgia" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. " Flag of Georgia" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Gelati" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Gelati" 250n
Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Emblem of Georgia" Author's Work of Art. Open Book. "Emblem of Georgia" 250n
Donald John Trump. 45 th President of the United States Donald John Trump. 45 th President of the United States 300n
The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty 400n
Icons Icons 150n
Guardian Angel Guardian Angel 200n
Archangel Archangel 250n
Mother of God. Saint Mariam Mother of God. Saint Mariam 250n
Patriarch of Georgia Patriarch of Georgia 300n
Monk Gabriel Monk Gabriel 250n
Jesus Chirst Jesus Chirst 250n
Saint Panteleimon. Saint Panteleimon. 250n
Monk Gabriel Monk Gabriel 250n
Monk Gabriel and Monk George. Monk Gabriel and Monk George. 200n
Saints Kviprian and Iustina Saints Kviprian and Iustina 200n
Saint George Saint George 250n
Saint Qsenia Saint Qsenia 100n
Guardian Angel Guardian Angel 150n
Saint Matriona Saint Matriona 250n
Saint Serafim Sarovski Saint Serafim Sarovski 150n
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ 250n
Saint Gabriel and Saint Mariam Saint Gabriel and Saint Mariam 100n
Saint Mariam Saint Mariam 200n
Saint Mariam Saint Mariam 250n
Angels Angels 250n
Saint Nickoloz Saint Nickoloz 200n
Saint Nikoloz Saint Nikoloz 50n
Saint Mariam Saint Mariam 100n
Saint Mariam Saint Mariam 100n
Author's work of Art. Handmade.  Open Book Icon. "Monk Saint Gabriel" Author's work of Art. Handmade. Open Book Icon. "Monk Saint Gabriel" 300n